Monday, July 5, 2010

Mens Fashion Week (SS2011): The Streetstyles (Part 2) - The Hand Carry Edition

One thing I noticed about the majority of guys here in Singapore is that they usually don't carry a bag when they go out. Excluding the average working man who usually carry a briefcase and the school kids, there are few guys who actually carry a bag when they're out, most travel lightly with just the basic essentials (mobile & wallet) conveniently stuffed in their pockets of course.

Tommy Ton for - SS2011 Mens Fashion Week - The Bags @ StreetStylista.Guy

To be honest, if I were to spot a guy in Singapore carrying most of the bags in this post, I would assume that he most likely works in fashion or any of the creative fields. Especially the clutch bags/folders.

Tommy Ton for - SS2011 Mens Fashion Week - The Bags @ StreetStylista.Guy
Tommy Ton for - SS2011 Mens Fashion Week - The Bags @ StreetStylista.Guy

Love this! I don't think I've ever seen a grown man carrying a briefcase backpack-style before. Cool idea.

Tommy Ton for - SS2011 Mens Fashion Week - The Bags @ StreetStylista.Guy
Tommy Ton for - SS2011 Mens Fashion Week - The Bags @ StreetStylista.Guy

Oversized canvas bags are so useful (above). You can literally throw everything in the bag, which of course means you'll eventually end up with a whole load of things, which means a heavy bag, which isn't so great after all eh? But I love them anyway.

Tommy Ton for - SS2011 Mens Fashion Week - The Bags @ StreetStylista.Guy

Ah, of course, the most coveted hand carry item. We will definitely be seeing alot of the these around town soon enough.

p/s: To all US readers, hope you guys had a fantastic 4th of July weekend!=) 

Photos: All Tommy Ton for

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